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Factors affecting prognosis in patients undergoing acute thrombectomy: single center experience
Aims: Our hospital is the only stroke center in the province and serves as a stroke center that welcomes patients from many districts and even surrounding provinces. We aimed to compare the results of endovascular treatment (EVT) applications performed in our hospital with the literature.
Methods: The data of 93 patients who received EVT treatment in the radiology angiography unit between 01.01.2022 and 30.06.2023 were examined. Statistical analyzes were applied on the data obtained.
Results: While a significant positive effect of the first pass effect of EVT on NIHSS and mRS was detected (p<0.001), the hemorrhagic transformation rate was also found to be significantly low (p<0.001). Exit NIHSS scores were significantly lower than entry NIHSS scores. A significant positive effect of short procedure time on exit NIHSS was detected. As the post-procedure complication rate increased, exit NIHSS and mRS values were also significantly higher. It was observed that the short procedure time significantly affected the exit NIHSS scores.
Conclusion: Although EVT is a treatment with proven effectiveness in acute stroke, conditions such as first pass effect, procedure complications and procedure duration affect the chance of success of the procedure. The success of EVT applied in our hospital gave similar results to the literature.

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Volume 1, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 46-50