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Determination of the risk factors and delirium in the intensive care unit
Delirium is a pathology that occurs especially in elderly patients, is triggered by an underlying condition, leads to an increase in the frequency of mortality and morbidity in patients, and causes a serious cost burden to clinics. Prevention of delirium is the simplest and most feasible approach. Despite all these, the clinical diagnosis of delirium is still inadequate and overlooked. In this review, current clinical practices for delirium, including etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment management, are reviewed.

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17. Choy SW, Yeoh AC, Lee ZZ, Srikanth V, Moran C. Melatonin and theprevention and management of delirium: a scoping study. Front Med.2018;4:242.
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 11-13