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Original Article
New onset tremor in patients with COVID-19: can be a possible link with parkinsonism?
Aims: SARS-CoV-2 is a highly pathogenic member of the coronavirus family. We notice that some patients who were following in outpatient service have a new onset tremor. Our aim to describe these patients and interpreting new onset tremor after Covid-19 that possible link with parkinsonism.
Methods: Forty-two patients with tremor who applied to Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University Hospital neurology outpatient clinic between the 2021-2022 years were included the study. The data related to demographic characteristics, reasons for application of outpatient neurology clinic, pre-diagnosis and treatment were collected retrospectively.
Results: The patients had a viral infection up to 3 months before the diagnosis of tremor was examined from the hospital system. It was determined that a total of 7 patients had viral infections due to upper respiratory infections and these were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Since two of these patients had concomitant thyroid dysfunction, one had diabetes and one had a history of acute cerebrovascular disorder, they were not included in the study. Covid-19 results were found to be positive wit PCR in 3 patients with a diagnosis of new onset tremor. It was determined in the neurology outpatient clinic notes of the patients that their complaints started after Covid-19.
Conclusion: We haven’t enough data about Covid-19 yet but it should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients with new onset neurological symptoms, especially in epidemic situations.. Extensive clinical, neurological, and electrophysiological investigations of the patients may help to understand the virus's role in causing neurological manifestations

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Volume 1, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 1-4